quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

The cure for cancer for pennies?

 Di-Chloro-Acetic Acid- is this the answer to cancer?




I doubt it. First there is no answer for "cancer". there are many types of cancer and the drugs are not the same to treat a breast cancer, for example, and liver cancer. Second, this is just a piece of news, I would like to see the studies they did, the trials, etc, etc. Third, if indeed this drug proves to have some efficacy in cancer treatment it will need a Big Pharma industry behind it, there is R&D to do and so much more; if the drug is not patented, I cannot see any interest arising in pharma companies, after all, they only invested in orphan drugs because legislation was passed by the FDA and EMEA to grant them so many benefits it made it worth investing in this field. Remember there is patent protection of 10 years in Europe and 7 in US, apart from many other incentives. Maybe some university will want to explore it, but.... it will always come to Big Pharma and big pharma is not interested, not this way...

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