segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

In memoriam


Por quem foi que me trocaram
Quando estava a olhar pra ti?
Pousa a tua mão na minha
E, sem me olhares, sorri.

Sorri do teu pensamento
Porque eu só quero pensar
Que é de mim que ele está feito
É que tens para mo dar.

Depois aperta-me a mão
E vira os olhos a mim...
Por quem foi que me trocaram
Quando estás a olhar-me assim?



I found a leader and I share his vision

domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011


Sviatoslav Richter the one and only!

When I Am Dead, My Dearest




      When I am dead, my dearest,

         Sing no sad songs for me;

     Plant thou no roses at my head,

         Nor shady cypress tree:

     Be the green grass above me

         With showers and dewdrops wet;

     And if thou wilt, remember,

         And if thou wilt, forget.

     I shall not see the shadows,

         I shall not feel the rain;

     I shall not hear the nightingale

         Sing on, as if in pain:

     And dreaming through the twilight

         That doth not rise nor set,

     Haply I may remember,

         And haply may forget.



Christina Rossetti


Joan Manuel Serrat - Fa 20 Anys Que Tinc 20 Anys

Viente años

When I Am Dead, My Dearest



      When I am dead, my dearest,

         Sing no sad songs for me;

     Plant thou no roses at my head,

         Nor shady cypress tree:

     Be the green grass above me

         With showers and dewdrops wet;

     And if thou wilt, remember,

         And if thou wilt, forget.

     I shall not see the shadows,

         I shall not feel the rain;

     I shall not hear the nightingale

         Sing on, as if in pain:

     And dreaming through the twilight

         That doth not rise nor set,

     Haply I may remember,

         And haply may forget. 


Christina Rossetti

Hay por aí mal algo más guapo qué el Chan Chan?

Ladies and Gents------ Dos Gardenias

Les feuilles mortes..

Ou isto ou aquilo

Ou se tem chuva e não se tem sol,
ou se tem sol e não se tem chuva!
Ou se calça a luva e não se põe o anel,
ou se põe o anel e não se calça a luva!
Quem sobe nos ares não fica no chão,
quem fica no chão não sobe nos ares.
É uma grande pena que não se possa
estar ao mesmo tempo nos dois lugares!
Ou guardo o dinheiro e não compro o doce,
ou compro o doce e gasto o dinheiro.
Ou isto ou aquilo: ou isto ou aquilo...
e vivo escolhendo o dia inteiro!
Não sei se brinco, não sei se estudo,
se saio correndo ou fico tranqüilo.
Mas não consegui entender ainda
qual é melhor: se é isto ou aquilo.

(Cecília Meireles)

Ladies and Gents,this is the very real and fantastic Jachinta!

Even educated flees do it...

Times have changed, anything goes....




Maria Creuza - Você Abusou

Cássia Éller, de volta prá casa

Mudaram as estações 
Nada mudou 
Mas eu sei que alguma coisa aconteceu 
Tá tudo assim tão diferente 
Se lembra quando a gente chegou a um dia acreditar 
Que tudo era pra sempre, sem saber 
Que o pra sempre, sempre acaba 
Mas nada vai conseguir mudar o que ficou 
Quando penso eu alguém, só penso em você 
E ai então, estamos bem 
Mesmo com tantos motivos 
Pra deixar tudo como está 
Nem desistir, nem tentar agora 
Tanto faz 
Estamos indo de volta pra casa 

Mesmo com tantos motivos 
Pra deixar tudo como está 
Nem desistir, nem tentar agora 
Tanto faz 
Estamos indo de volta pra casa

Imperio Argentina y Antonio Vargas de Herédia!

Con un clavel granate temblando en la boca
Con una varita de mimbre en la mano
Por una verea que llega hasta el rio
Iba Antonio Vargas Heredia el Gitano.

Entre los naranjos, la luna lunera
Ponía en su frente la luz de azahar
Y cuando apuntaban las claras del día
Llevaba reflejos del verde olivar

Antonio Vargas Heredia
Flor de la raza calé
Calló el mimbre de tus manos
Y de la boca el clavel

De Puentegenil a Lucena
De Loja a Benamejí
Las mocitas de Sierra Morena
Se mueren de pena
Llorando por ti
Antonio Vargas Heredia
Se mueren de pena
Llorando por ti.

Era Antonio Vargas Heredia el Gitano
El mas arrogante y el mejor plantao
Y por los contornos de Sierra Morena
No lo hubo mas bueno, mas guapo y honrao

Pero por culpita de una hembra gitana
Su faca en el pecho de un hombre se hundió
Los celos malditos nublaron sus ojos
Y preso en la trena de rabia lloró

Antonio Vargas Heredia
Flor de la raza cale
Calló el mimbre de tu mano
y de la boca el clavel

De Puentegenil a Lucena
De Loja a Benamejí
Las mocitas de Sierra Morena
Se mueren de pena llorando de ti
Antonio Vargas Heredia,
Se mueren de pena llorando por ti.

La inolvidable Imperio Argentina y Antonio Vargas de Herédia













































sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

And the moment is now...


So nice remember those sweet teen moments long ago



Looking back at your career life , if there is one thing you would have more of in 20/20 hindsight what activity would that be and Why?




In my case it would not be to have

 20/20 hindsight,


it would have to be 20/20 aptitude


I would have been an opera singer



I studied, fought for it. But there was one thing missing "IT


You are either born with it or not, like a Callas.



    I was born with many good gifts, but not that one.”



No aguanto más!

I have been studying the subject. In short terms, I have been emotionally abused all my life, although my self esteem never was lost. There come a day when I said to myself that I wouldn’t stand it anymore.


 I chose to be happy




and never again give anybody the power to hurt me. That doesn’t mean I built a barrier around; quite the contrary

But it is a fact – nobody, no matter what kind of abusing words chose to greet me with, has the power to hurt. I don’t hate anybody and I do not seek revenge. I call it FREEDOM

– it is in our brain it is a choice. Afterwards I decided to try to find the reason why people are so unkind to each other. And I realized that this works like a chain – nobody teaches you, because few people understand what is going on. A has just been told something unpleasant by someone “higher” than him He needs to get rid of that negative feeling.



So, A goes to B and says something nasty. (B is “lower” than A). B needs to take this weight off his shoulders; therefore he goes to C and says something rude.

 Chain of events: someone was unkind to A and it propagates endlessly.

The meaning for” Higher and Lower” is that either the person his above the other on a professional base or has some power over the other, even just emotional power.


People have always had the tendency to make confidences to me; probably they understand that I never talk about other people’s lives. 


After releasing the burden they think “Oh, what have I done?” And the next thing you know they are saying something unkind and untruth about me. Do I care? NO. I couldn’t are less, it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t change my life or my smile


We are born into this culture, our parents are not aware so can’t teach us. There are very few people that mange to get rid of this.


 But let me say it too, you pay a price for this freedom; society will not accept independent minds.”




Homeless Man Has A Radio Voice - Ted Williams

Listen to this miracle this unique gift!


quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

QUESTION: Are there any good proverbial translator programs online? Programs/websites that are optimized to translate the MEANING on an ENTIRE SENTENCE?


No that does not exist, there is no machine translation that can come even closer to a normal translation, let alone a technical translation, I think that is what you are doing.




The structure of the Dutch language

 and English are completely different and you rely on machine translation?


When I do that, just for fun, anything in English is translated into Brazilian which makes me laugh to tears and the order of verbs and other sentence elements is upside down, you have “things” doing  tasks for persons and persons look like things.

I am sorry to disagree with the Proofreading theory to cut costs~


Proofreading is not about revising a translation and correct it, in fact, re-translate, Proof reading is just to see if the dots, commas, and such minor things are in place. Translation agencies try to cut costs that way,

but you will not get a good technical translator to accept it, I can tell you that from my own experience as a technical translator.



terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

What Do You Do To Get Some Perspective?

I work with sick/ill people, I volunteer since I was very young. The first time I went international I was 17th.I thought I owned the problems of life.


I remember I was looking around, a bit surprised and then a young man turned in his wheel chair and smiled at me.

I never forgot that moment and I think about it whenever I need perspective and I always say, when things get bad, “I still have my two legs”.





domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

Big flies get caught by tiny spiders...

I am just watching how a big fat horrible fly got trapped in a tiny spiders web, what efforts she does to get free and how useless they are, it is fascinating, one is thrice the size of the other! Just like this video!



quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

“There Are No Orphans Of God”* Orphan Drugs Are Forerunners Of Personalized Medicine And Paying Top Dollar. The Future Is Often Embedded In The Present.


Marketing exclusivity in EU and U.S.A provided a monopolistic market without “me-too”/generics competitors, to pharma companies. The “blueprint “of strategies making hay while the sun shines of legal loopholes and incentives, made the call for searching the pot of gold, in the orphan drug market, worth the while for Big Pharma. “To give the devil his due,” orphan drug laws and the pharma industry made great contributions towards the cure of millions of people suffering from uncommon and frequently life-threatening diseases. However, he who pays the piper calls the tune, and it is necessary to strike a new balance between innovation support and industry profit and pricing, between incentives and competition. 


Rare Diseases, Paradox of Rarity Orphan Drugs, Current Legislation, the Caveat, Searching For That Pot of Gold,All Good Things Must Come To an End”



There is no single, widely accepted definition for rare diseases:



  • U.S.A defines according to prevalence – affecting less than 200.000 persons or about 1 in 1.500 people
  • Japan - affects fewer than 50.000 patients (tropical diseases not included)


      §  EU - "life-threatening or chronically debilitating disease” affecting                                      than10.patientsconcomitantly with absence of existing treatmentcovers some tropical       diseases


  • There are other countries with legislation/incentives for orphan diseases



Paradox of Rarity



Even though the “diseases are rare, rare diseases patients are many”.


Rare Diseases have low prevalence/heterogeneity, patients are a minority, and the market is too small for pharma investment in orphan drugs R&D; the relentless work of patient advocates and parent’s organizations, urged governments to enact legislation with incentives to encourage the pharmaceutical industry to search for treatments for orphan diseases.


Ultra Orphan Diseases are extremely rare chronically debilitating or life threatening conditions; neglected diseases are common and transmissible primarily affecting patients in developing countries- their market is unprofitable – they are not rare diseases, but are orphan diseases because pharmaceutical companies neglect them.


Orphan diseases have a wide range of disorders and symptoms, varying between and within each condition, 80% have genetic origins, and collectively, affect 350 million people worldwide.



Current Legislation:



US – The Orphan Drug Act (ODA) 1983




  • FDA grants and financial assistance


  • 50% of clinical trials’ costs defrayed in tax credits


§  Waived PDUFA fee (more than $1 million/application)


  • Seven Years of Market Exclusivity (FDA does not approve another company’s version of the “same drug for the same disease or condition “/ Generics)


 §  Accelerated Approval (for serious and life-threatening illnesses (using surrogate              endpoints – open trials) –of an NDA- (the company cansell drugs to patients that are        not part of clinical trials, while the testing is still going on)


  • Regulatory Fee Waivers



The Rare Disease Act (2002) - disorders affecting fewer than 200.000 people or about 1 in 1.500 people



The Creating Hope Act of 2011 (U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)), not yet passed


  • Bipartisan bill to encourage pharmaceutical companies to work on ultra-orphan drugs (pediatric/neglected tropical diseases)


  • Incentive -  decreased period (up to 5 months)  before marketing one( more profitable)drug of the company’s portfolio 




EU - Regulation (EC) No 141/2000; Commission Regulation (EC) No 847/2000




  • Fee Reductions; Funds For Examination Fees


  • Protocol Assistance (scientific advice/clinical trials)


   §  Acess To The Centralized Authorization Procedure 


  • Ten Years Of Market Exclusivity (may be reduced to 6 years if there is not enough production/market demand; if another company has a “safer, more effective or otherwise clinically superior” drug)



FDA & EMEA agreed to utilize a common application process in 2007



The caveat here is monopolistic advantages raise questions over touting health benefits in absence of good proof. The assertion that orphan drugs target few patients does not apply to all cases, and distorts the purpose of orphan drug laws. Strategies that paid off huge profits:




  • Some orphan drugs targeted large numbers of patients because they were efficient for several rare diseases (e.g. “Gleevec/Glivec”, Novartis)


  • An orphan drug can also be used to treat a common disease(e.g.Tracleer”,  Actelion Pharmaceuticals)

      §  A drug for a common disease may develop an indication for a rare disease (e.g.                “Viagra/Revatio”, Pfizer) 




Searching For That Pot of Gold



“Piecemeal Strategy”


  • Attempt to define a phase/severity of a certain disease as a differentiated condition allowing orphan drug status, provided there is prevalence threshold. This practice takes advantage from the fact that the FDA permits sponsors to parse diseases into therapeutically reasonable subsections.


  • The goal is to obtain market exclusivity/statutory benefits/for multiple indications, which, jointly, surpass the 200.000 people limit



“Orphan Blockbusters”



Market exclusivity-monopoly and orphan drugs intended for the 200.000 people limit:


  • That later on surpassed that limit and became extremely profitable – the leading example is AIDS


Sponsors not only reaped considerable benefits as recovered all development costs two years after access to the market:

   §  Drugs for chronic diseases (administered to patients during a prolonged time)as               Genzyme’s “Ceredase” for “Glaucher´s” disease

  • Use of orphan drugs for off-label indications, acknowledged in the FDA approval, which increases market size and raises profit margins 

 Provisions of “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPAC Act) Of 2010


  • Drug Discount Program
  • Provision For An Annual Fee (section 9008(a) of the PPAC Act))

       §  These Provisions Do Not Apply To Orphan Drugs


FDA & EMEA agreed to utilize a common application process in 2007

The caveat here is monopolistic advantages raise questions over touting health benefits in absence of good proof. The assertion that orphan drugs target few patients does not apply to all cases, and distorts the purpose of orphan drug laws. Strategies that paid off huge profits




  • Some orphan drugs targeted large numbers of patients because they were efficient for several rare diseases (e.g. “Gleevec/Glivec”, Novartiis)
  • An orphan drug can also be used to treat a common disease(e.g.Tracleer”,  Actelion Pharmaceuticals)


        §  A drug for a common disease may develop an indication for a rare disease (e.g.               “Viagra/Revatio”, Pfizer) 

 Searching For That Pot of Gold



“Piecemeal Strategy”


  • Attempt to define a phase/severity of a certain disease as a differentiated condition allowing orphan drug status, provided there is prevalence threshold. This practice takes advantage from the fact that the FDA permits sponsors to parse diseases into therapeutically reasonable subsections.


  • The goal is to obtain market exclusivity/statutory benefits/for multiple indications, which, jointly, surpass the 200.000 people limit



“Orphan Blockbusters”



Market exclusivity-monopoly and orphan drugs intended for the 200.000 people limit:


  • That later on surpassed that limit and became extremely profitable – the leading example is AIDS


Sponsors not only reaped considerable benefits as recovered all development costs two years after access to the market:


    §  Drugs for chronic diseases (administered to patients during a prolonged time)as               Genzyme’s “Ceredase” for “Glaucher´s” disease

  •    Use of orphan drugs for off-label indications, acknowledged in the FDA approval,    which increases market size and raises profit margins 

 Provisions of “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPAC Act) Of 2010


  • Drug Discount Program


  • Provision For An Annual Fee (section 9008(a) of the PPAC Act))

       §  These Provisions Do Not Apply To Orphan Drugs



However, “All Good Things Must come to an end"


  • §  The Treasury Department is now considering whether to limit               the exclusions for orphan drugs (1)


           §  The Office of Pharmacy Affairs of the U.S. Health Resources Services                      Administration (HRSA) is currently addressing the drug discounting                       

component, and the corresponding orphan drug exclusion of the                           PPAC Act (1)




Sometimes, a Song Says it Better: “I Want It All” (2)







(2)   “I want It All” (Queen)

  * “Orphans of God” (Avalon’s Lyrics)


















Orphan Drugs are Forerunners of Personalised Medicine

Contributor:  Cristina Falcão
Posted:  10/20/2011  12:00:00 AM EDT  | 

Rate this Column: (3.6 Stars | 7 Votes) 

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Marketing exclusivity in EU and U.S.A provided a monopolistic market for orphan drugs without “me-too”/generics competitors, to pharma companies.

Orphan drug laws and the pharma industry made great contributions towards the cure of millions of people offering from uncommon and frequently life-threatening diseases. However, it is necessary to strike a new balance between incentives and competition.

There is no single, widely accepted definition for rare diseases: 

  • U.S.A defines according to prevalence – affecting less than 200.000 persons or about 1 in 1.500 people
  • Japan - affectsfewer than 50.000 patients (tropical diseases not included)
  • EU -"life-threatening or chronically debilitating disease” affecting fewer than 5 in 10.000 patients,concomitantly with absence of existing treatment, covers some tropical diseases
  • There are other countries with legislation/incentives for orphan diseases

Paradox of Rarity

Even though the “diseases are rare, rare diseases patients are many”.

Rare Diseases have low prevalence/heterogeneity, patients are a minority,and the market is too small for pharma investment in orphan drugs R&D; the relentless work of patient advocates and parent’s organizations, urged governments to enact legislation with incentives to encourage the pharmaceutical industry to search for treatments for orphan diseases. 

Ultra Orphan Diseases are extremely rare chronically debilitating or life threatening conditions; neglected diseases are common and transmissible primarily affecting patients in developing countries- their market is unprofitable – they are not rare diseases, but are orphan diseases because pharmaceutical companies neglect them.

Orphan diseases have a wide range of disorders and symptoms, varying between and within each condition, 80% have genetic origins, and collectively, affect 350 million people worldwide.

Current Legislation:

US – The Orphan Drug Act (ODA) 1983


  • FDA grants and financial assistance
  • 50% of clinical trials’ costs defrayed in tax credits
  • Waived PDUFA fee (more than $1 million/application)
  • Seven Years of Market Exclusivity (FDA does not approve another company’s version of the “same drug for the same disease or condition “/ Generics)
  • Accelerated Approval (for serious and life-threatening illnesses (using surrogate endpoints – open trials) –of an NDA-(the company can sell drugs to patients that are not part of clinical trials, while the testing is still going on)
  • Regulatory Fee Waivers

The Rare Disease Act (2002)- disorders affecting fewer than 200.000 people or about 1 in 1.500 people

The Creating Hope Act of 2011(U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)), not yet passed

  • Bipartisan billto encourage pharmaceutical companies to work on ultra-orphan drugs (pediatric/neglected tropical diseases)
  • Incentive -  decreased period (up to 5 months)  before marketing one( more profitable)drug of the company’s portfolio 

EU - Regulation (EC) No 141/2000; Commission Regulation (EC) No 847/2000


  • Fee Reductions; Funds For Examination Fees
  • Protocol Assistance (scientific advice/clinical trials)
  • Access To The Centralized Authorization Procedure 
  • Ten Years Of Market Exclusivity (may be reduced to 6 years if there is not enough production/market demand; if another company has a “safer, more effective or otherwise clinically superior” drug)

FDA & EMEA agreed to utilize a common application process in 2007

The caveat here is monopolistic advantages raise questions over touting health benefits in absence of good proof. The assertion that orphan drugs target few patients does not apply to all cases, and distorts the purpose of orphan drug laws. Strategies that paid off huge profits:


  • Some orphan drugs targeted large numbers of patients because they were efficient for several rare diseases (e.g. “Gleevec/Glivec”, Novartis)
  • An orphan drug can also be used to treat a common disease(e.g.“Tracleer”,  Actelion Pharmaceuticals)
  • A drug for a common disease may develop an indication for a rare disease (e.g. “Viagra/Revatio”, Pfizer) 

Searching For That Pot of Gold

“Piecemeal Strategy”

  • Attempt to define a phase/severity of a certain disease as a differentiated condition allowing orphan drug status, provided there is prevalence threshold. This practice takes advantagefrom the fact that the FDA permits sponsors to parse diseases into therapeuticallyreasonable subsections.
  • The goal is to obtain market exclusivity/statutory benefits/for multiple indications, which, jointly, surpass the 200.000 people limit

“Orphan Blockbusters”

Market exclusivity-monopoly and orphan drugs intended for the 200.000 people limit:

  • That later on surpassed that limit and became extremely profitable – the leading example is AIDS

Sponsors not only reaped considerable benefits as recovered all development costs two years after access to the market:

  • Drugs for chronic diseases (administered to patients during a prolonged time)as Genzyme’s “Ceredase” for “Glaucher´s” disease
  • Use of orphan drugs for off-label indications,acknowledged in the FDA approval, which increases market size and raises profit margins 

Provisions of “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPAC Act) Of 2010

  • Drug Discount Program
  • Provision For An Annual Fee (section 9008(a) of the PPAC Act))
  • These Provisions Do Not Apply To Orphan Drugs

However, “All Good Things Must Come To an End”

  • The Treasury Department is now considering whether to limit the exclusions for orphan drugs (1)
  • The Office of Pharmacy Affairs of the U.S. Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) is currently addressing the drug discounting component, and the corresponding orphan drug exclusion of the PPAC Act (1)

Sometimes, a Song Says it Better: “I Want It All” (2) 

  2. “I want It All” (Queen)