segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

Why do people like to hurt others?





I found that it is a constant in life, we live in chains of “misery compensation”. Someone with some kind of power over someone else (emotional, in the workplace, etc) says something that is only intended to hurt, probably because someone else told that person something to hurt. Person B will have to compensate for that misery and will do the same on person C, and it goes on and on.






Most people don’t see this, they just feel hurt and miserable and need to carry on with the cycle. I decided some years ago that I would never again in my life be hurt by words or actions , specially words, that are meant just to hurt. It is a decision, you can tell me whatever you want to hurt me be you will not be able because I do not give you that power, I see it as a gift I choose not to accept. You have no idea how this decision changed my life; I suffered a lot until I reached the point I said to myself “enough!”. I never did that to people but people did it to me but now no longer.

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