terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

Who can give me an update on trends in Management Consulting?



“Innovation is, as far as I am concerned, THE new trend in Change Management. When dealing with Change Management, one must be very resourceful and have big radar to pick every “innuendo” that may shape a solution




It is the time when thinking out of the box is really a “must”. Instead of providing you with a detailed list on each topic, I’ll give you my personal experience; I had it written because I had presented this explanation on a discussion about Change Management. I am sorry that is not detailed as you ask, but it is an answer.



I work as Pharmacy Manager in Portugal. Apart from problems arising from economic crisis, I have been dealing with Change on a daily basis for more than three years. Government policies are harder and harder and we have to excel in Change Management to find ways to keep afloat and explaining to very confused and angry




 customers why the prices are constantly higher and higher, how the rules of Social Security’s co participation also change, in what way customers are affected, etc., And I have to get out of the box every day to figure out how I can improve my business. We are living in such an extreme situation that only “out of the box ideas” and insight vision result in business performance.



 Cost containment is something I master – but only in extreme, very extreme circumstances do I dismiss an employee.




 The process of daily Change started 5 years ago, with the introduction of generic drugs. It has been a nightmare ever since. We have “the whole nine yards” of Pharmaceutical Generic’s Industry’s


Each generic drug produced by each of the hundredths of Pharmaceutical Industries has about 12 different forms; each has the minimum of 20 various dosages.



 In reality only one form and about 3 dosages are available in the market. Change Management at full speed to deal with the balance of Cost Containment concerning stock reduction and the guarantee of having the product to sell




(the pharmacy is located in a village, not in a town). Let me assure you that there are thousands more like these.




 And each day brings a new challenge of this kind, not to mention the constant changes




of Vat percentages. And, of course, I have given full attention to



revenue creation. Change Management/Thinking Out of the Box. I made several researches to target what kind of products would be of interest to the customers with a focus on delivering improvement of the quality of life.




. I targeted quite a few, I invested in changing women’s minds about cosmetics, and, as I am qualified to treat wounds, the pharmacy became a referee



concerning Wound Dressing. The hospital and many other entities address me constantly seeking ready answers for all sorts of problems; I have my special supplier to meet the complete satisfaction of “customer hospital”. Another “out of the box” idea was to buy an amount of drugs from a Pharmaceutical Industry and instead of bonuses I preferred to have a 4 session program


for the benefit of Public Health, mainly the diabetic population. May I just say that besides the problems involving a lot of Change Management,




 Last year another pharmacy opened doors in this village? This is so typical for Portuguese! I call it “let’s commit suicide together”. There is no way the village has enough clients for two pharmacies. Well, I had the privilege of more than a hundredth years opening doors 12 hours/day /365 days each year. And I started to be able to predict each of the other pharmacy’s moves; I anticipated each one by presenting something



something “out of the magic hat” that worked. I know that I didn’t lose one single customer.”


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