terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

What are your job search best practices?

Do your networking not as a job seeker, but like an insider. First of all it brings a lot of knowledge and that is necessary if you want you be updated



Before anything else, organize and plan. What do you really want to do? Most of the times, people don’t actually know it. I once went to an event about coaching; the speaker asked if anyone really knew what they wanted from life, she said most people know what they don’t want, but very few knew what they wanted. I had to agree with her

It might even be for the simple reason that you are good at more than one thing; therefore you will tend to divide your attention between those two or more subjects. Before planning and organizing yourself, determine what you want to do.
Then network to learn and update because the world is changing so fast that maybe what you knew as truth sometime ago, is not exactly so right now.

Then search for the “hidden jobs”, it is a reality, most of the good and interesting jobs are never even disclosed. Target what kind of work environment you would prefer (for instance, if you like a little freedom of thinking, don’t choose a company that is not so keen on that).

Then target the companies that match your expectations and be opened to the possibility of relocation; this is no time to be very picky , if the company , the job, the company’s culture you want is in another country go and get it. I totally agree with Jennifer,


think outside the box, I have also witnessed two people that had “crazy” ideas but they did get the job they wanted. Don’t “pester” connections to try to get a job; it is the best way to lose your network. Try to make use of a marketing most desired weapon: word to mouth. Understand that networking is not done in the “net”
– use all the business cards you have because people know other people, and so on.. Promote yourself – this is not at all easy, there are a lot of competitors thinking just like you. Think about it as many times as you want but find



a way to be better at doing this than your competition.”


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