terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

Who can give me an update on trends in Management Consulting?



“Innovation is, as far as I am concerned, THE new trend in Change Management. When dealing with Change Management, one must be very resourceful and have big radar to pick every “innuendo” that may shape a solution




It is the time when thinking out of the box is really a “must”. Instead of providing you with a detailed list on each topic, I’ll give you my personal experience; I had it written because I had presented this explanation on a discussion about Change Management. I am sorry that is not detailed as you ask, but it is an answer.



I work as Pharmacy Manager in Portugal. Apart from problems arising from economic crisis, I have been dealing with Change on a daily basis for more than three years. Government policies are harder and harder and we have to excel in Change Management to find ways to keep afloat and explaining to very confused and angry




 customers why the prices are constantly higher and higher, how the rules of Social Security’s co participation also change, in what way customers are affected, etc., And I have to get out of the box every day to figure out how I can improve my business. We are living in such an extreme situation that only “out of the box ideas” and insight vision result in business performance.



 Cost containment is something I master – but only in extreme, very extreme circumstances do I dismiss an employee.




 The process of daily Change started 5 years ago, with the introduction of generic drugs. It has been a nightmare ever since. We have “the whole nine yards” of Pharmaceutical Generic’s Industry’s


Each generic drug produced by each of the hundredths of Pharmaceutical Industries has about 12 different forms; each has the minimum of 20 various dosages.



 In reality only one form and about 3 dosages are available in the market. Change Management at full speed to deal with the balance of Cost Containment concerning stock reduction and the guarantee of having the product to sell




(the pharmacy is located in a village, not in a town). Let me assure you that there are thousands more like these.




 And each day brings a new challenge of this kind, not to mention the constant changes




of Vat percentages. And, of course, I have given full attention to



revenue creation. Change Management/Thinking Out of the Box. I made several researches to target what kind of products would be of interest to the customers with a focus on delivering improvement of the quality of life.




. I targeted quite a few, I invested in changing women’s minds about cosmetics, and, as I am qualified to treat wounds, the pharmacy became a referee



concerning Wound Dressing. The hospital and many other entities address me constantly seeking ready answers for all sorts of problems; I have my special supplier to meet the complete satisfaction of “customer hospital”. Another “out of the box” idea was to buy an amount of drugs from a Pharmaceutical Industry and instead of bonuses I preferred to have a 4 session program


for the benefit of Public Health, mainly the diabetic population. May I just say that besides the problems involving a lot of Change Management,




 Last year another pharmacy opened doors in this village? This is so typical for Portuguese! I call it “let’s commit suicide together”. There is no way the village has enough clients for two pharmacies. Well, I had the privilege of more than a hundredth years opening doors 12 hours/day /365 days each year. And I started to be able to predict each of the other pharmacy’s moves; I anticipated each one by presenting something



something “out of the magic hat” that worked. I know that I didn’t lose one single customer.”


What are your job search best practices?

Do your networking not as a job seeker, but like an insider. First of all it brings a lot of knowledge and that is necessary if you want you be updated



Before anything else, organize and plan. What do you really want to do? Most of the times, people don’t actually know it. I once went to an event about coaching; the speaker asked if anyone really knew what they wanted from life, she said most people know what they don’t want, but very few knew what they wanted. I had to agree with her

It might even be for the simple reason that you are good at more than one thing; therefore you will tend to divide your attention between those two or more subjects. Before planning and organizing yourself, determine what you want to do.
Then network to learn and update because the world is changing so fast that maybe what you knew as truth sometime ago, is not exactly so right now.

Then search for the “hidden jobs”, it is a reality, most of the good and interesting jobs are never even disclosed. Target what kind of work environment you would prefer (for instance, if you like a little freedom of thinking, don’t choose a company that is not so keen on that).

Then target the companies that match your expectations and be opened to the possibility of relocation; this is no time to be very picky , if the company , the job, the company’s culture you want is in another country go and get it. I totally agree with Jennifer,


think outside the box, I have also witnessed two people that had “crazy” ideas but they did get the job they wanted. Don’t “pester” connections to try to get a job; it is the best way to lose your network. Try to make use of a marketing most desired weapon: word to mouth. Understand that networking is not done in the “net”
– use all the business cards you have because people know other people, and so on.. Promote yourself – this is not at all easy, there are a lot of competitors thinking just like you. Think about it as many times as you want but find



a way to be better at doing this than your competition.”


quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011


This is your difference, this is why people by your cappuccino and not the next door’s one.


With toothpicks, in six seconds, you can make your unique message and sell your product.


Just an idea ……



terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

I shall not fail because my will is stronger and I cannot fail!

Together we can make it!

How Many Seconds In A Minute?


How many seconds in a minute? 
Sixty, and no more in it. 
How many minutes in an hour? 
Sixty for sun and shower. 
How many hours in a day? 
Twenty-four for  HY

PERLINK "http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/how-many-seconds-in-a-minute/" work and play. 
How many days in a week? 
Seven both to hear and speak. 
How many weeks in a month? 
Four, as the swift moon runneth. 
How many months in a year? 
Twelve the almanack makes clear. 
How many years in an age? 
One hundred says the sage. 
How many ages in time? 
No one knows the rhyme.


Christina Georgina Rossetti 



quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

A Espantosa Realidade das Cousas


A Espantosa Realidade das Cousas


A espantosa realidade das cousas 
É a minha descoberta de todos os dias. 
Cada cousa é o que é, 
E é difícil explicar a alguém quanto isso me alegra, 
E quanto isso me basta. 

Basta existir para se ser completo. 

Tenho escrito bastantes poemas. 
Hei de escrever muitos mais. Naturalmente. 

Cada poema meu diz isto, 
E todos os meus poemas são diferentes, 
Porque cada cousa que há é uma maneira de dizer isto. 

Às vezes ponho-me a olhar para uma pedra. 
Não me ponho a pensar se ela sente. 
Não me perco a chamar-lhe minha irmã. 
Mas gosto dela por ela ser uma pedra, 
Gosto dela porque ela não sente nada. 
Gosto dela porque ela não tem parentesco nenhum comigo. 

Outras vezes oiço passar o vento, 
E acho que só para ouvir passar o vento vale a pena ter nascido. 

Eu não sei o que é que os outros pensarão lendo isto; 
Mas acho que isto deve estar bem porque o penso sem estorvo, 
Nem idéia de outras pessoas a ouvir-me pensar; 
Porque o penso sem pensamentos 
Porque o digo como as minhas palavras o dizem. 

Uma vez chamaram-me poeta materialista, 
E eu admirei-me, porque não julgava 
Que se me pudesse chamar qualquer cousa. 
Eu nem sequer sou poeta: vejo. 
Se o que escrevo tem valor, não sou eu que o tenho: 
O valor está ali, nos meus versos. 
Tudo isso é absolutamente independente da minha vontade. 

Alberto Caeiro, in "Poemas Inconjuntos" 

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Orphan Drugs – Reinventing Economies of Scale


Orphan Drugs – Reinventing Economies of Scale

Orphan Drugs – Reinventing Economies of Scale

Orphan Drugs – Reinventing Economies of Scale

Contributor:  Cristina Falcão
Posted:  11/16/2011  12:00:00 AM EST  | 

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Economies of scale come in many flavors. Including the oddity flavor where the number of manufactured products decreases and the size of markets shrink.

Orphan drugs are economies of scale’ oddity flavor – a smaller market is as profitable as a large one, as long as the expensive therapies fall into reimbursement plans, in other words, as long as there are diagnostic tests pinpointing rare diseases’ patients that need those therapies.

Marketing strategies adapt and profit from new scaling, because direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing has no relevance in such small target groups, whereas the internet and social media channels seem to be better fit for the purpose.

Small pools of patients, government incentives, and protocol support/advanced pathway, are a spoonful of ingenuity in clinical trial budgeting, to complement these new economies of scale.

Specialty pharmacies bear out that orphan drugs are not only forerunners of personalized medicine, as one of the therapeutic areas covered by this advancing field of health care.

The hardest area to improve is measurement and evaluation - pricing and reimbursement of orphan drugs are under payers’ scrutiny.

Index: Clinical Trials, Advanced Pathway/ Conditional Marketing Authorization,Personalized Medicine, Specialty Pharmacies, Pricing and Reimbursement, Conundrum

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials for orphan drugs with smaller patient groups have significant lower costs, additionally enhanced by government incentives and the support (protocols) that the FDA and the EU commission give to companies developing orphan drugs. Furthermore, the partnerships between pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies reduce their R&D and marketing expenditures.

Advanced Pathway/ Conditional Marketing Authorization

The inherent difficulty of identifying patients and finding a pool of clinical trial participants, made way to the Accelerated Approval Pathway (AA) for orphan drugs in US and for the Conditional Marketing Authorization (CMA) in EU.

Created in 1992, the AA pathway isavailable to orphan drugs and drugs for other serious illnesses, where there is urgent need to treat patients with rare life-threatening diseases.

Surrogate endpoints are the substitutes of clinical trials for the approval of new drug applications (NDAs) - Surrogate endpoints are laboratory measurements, such as blood or urine tests, or physical signs that predict that a drug will improve a patient's condition. AA pathway is granted if applicants are able to demonstrate that these laboratory measurements are "reasonably likely” to provide a clinical benefit, and the FDA will continue monitoring AA - approved drugs, until their efficacy is confirmed in post-approval trials.

In EU, EMEA grants Conditional Marketing Authorization (CMA) similar to AA, to disease treatments including orphan diseases. Under CMA guidelines, treatments have a conditional approval, based on a presumption of a positive benefit-risk, which needs further confirmatory studies. However, there is no explicit mention in legislation to the use of surrogate endpoints to obtain a CMA.

Personalized Medicine

“Personalized medicine is a rapidly advancing field of health care that promises greater precision and effectiveness than traditional medicine because it is informed by each person’s unique clinical, social, genetic, genomic, and environmental information.”(1)

Specialty Pharmacies

The development of specialty pharmacies and specialty distributors is a move toward the model of personalized medicine.

The majority of orphan drugs are specialty pharmaceuticals with high percentage of biological drugs, requiring close coordination with providers, and far-reaching patient support.

These specialty pharmacies provide theface-to-face service capabilities, and bridge the gap between pharma companies, patients, and physicians.

Pricing and Reimbursement

The monopolistic power granted to orphan drugs results in high prices.

In US, the recent changes in healthcare through the Affordable Care Act put orphan drugs under payers’ observation.

Payers are regularly endeavoring to involve patients in cost share burden, especially because many of these drugs can be used for other non-rare diseases, therefore sponsors are required to show an overall impact on outcomes from different perspectives, including, patient, payer, and provider.

In EU, due to the differences of pricing and reimbursement plans in each country, pharmaceutical companies avoid downward price referencing between countries, by first marketing in member states where launch prices are unrestricted.

When companies are able to set a high initial price, that will, in practice, remain unchanged after formal authorization, (such as in France where price is fully reimbursed during the trial phase) countries that control prices, struggle to trim them down but without success. Pharma companies will rather donate the drugs than have discount rates. Donating facilitates avoiding the downward price referencing related with differential pricing. If the drug is expensive but available, National Health Authorities have a hard time fighting public pressure.

Reimbursement: Neither FDA nor EMEA have any authority over price control.


  • Each member state decides orphan drugs pricing/reimbursement
  • Setting up a prevalence ratio of less than 5/10,000 people avoids abusive practices
  • Several EU countries developed government mechanisms to keep orphan drug prices down, restrict public reimbursement, and promote a cost-effective use of orphan drugs 
  • Ultra-orphan drugs have different countries’ support for funding by healthcare systems
  • Risk-sharing schemes between government and industry are a new approach to funding expensive ultra orphan drugs

US – the Healthcare Reform:

Changes that affect orphan drugs:

  • Prohibition on lifetime limits/annual caps/preexisting conditions
  • Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS)
  • Managed Medicaid units now subject to Medicaid rebates
  • 50% Medicare Part D rebate in “donut hole” applies effective January ,2011


The conundrum of how the gist of globalization is different in West and East like the tragic story of Abigail Burroughs.

“Extraordinary measures,” a 2010 movie, showed us how families of children with rare diseases face daily hardships because unlike in the West, Indian government has no policy to offer them affordable treatment. The global pharma strategy is setting sights on a future world where India is the provider of key contributions to drug discovery and innovation, where Indian companies research and produce medicines for rare diseases.

“Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.”(Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird)

  1. http://bit.ly/v06SkI

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Cristina Falcão Contributor:   Cristina Falcão

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terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

5 Things You Need to Know about Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

5 Things You Need to Know about Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Contributor:  Andrea Charles
Posted:  11/15/2011  12:00:00 AM EST  | 

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Continuous manufacturing is done in almost all manufacturing industries, except for wine, hard spirits, and pharmaceuticals. Defining a batch is up to the manufacturer but consistent with QbD, so why don’t they do it? It means change and change only happens when there is absolute need,”said Cristina Falcão, Pharma IQ Columnist in a recent interview with Pharma IQ.

Continuous manufacturing is gaining ground in the pharmaceutical industry. In the current economic climate many organisations are looking to make their manufacturing more cost effective and reduce inefficiencies with lean processes.

In 2007 Novartis and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) set up the Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturing to help realise these goals. With Novartis investing $65 million into the collaboration.
"We have a pretty ambitious view on continuous manufacturing," said Walter Bisson, global program manager of technical operations at Novartis at the time. "We're trying to invent new methodologies, which lead to new technologies, which can then be translated into new equipment."

In a recent article for WorldPharmaceuticalFrontiers, Bernhardt L Trout, professor of Chemical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said:  “Everyone is talking about continuous processing and there is a large push towards it.”

Due to the well-known conservative  nature of the pharmaceutical industry there is hesitation, however Trout maintains the belief that  the industry is ready for innovation and  there  is a strong case among pharma for continuous processing.

  Polymorphism and Crystallisation 2012
Returning for its 8th year, the summit will provide an 'excellent range of topics' (Philip Lake, GSK) and create an interactive environment for learning, networking and building key business relationships. 

“It is very exciting time for pharmaceutical manufacturing, and there is a great deal of enthusiasm that comes with innovation,” he said to WorldPharmaceuticalFrontiers.

Recently we asked Cristina and the broader pharmaceutical industry to discuss in an online  forum the economic impact of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing , advantages of continuous over batch biomanufacturing and the key challenges of continuous manufacturing.  They came with the 5 things you need to know about continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing:

  • Continuous processes require smaller footprints and reduce equipment/resource expenses because they don't have the peaks, valleys, and slack cycles of batch processes. Imagine an oil refinery working on a batch basis and you'll see the obvious advantages
  • Implementation of continuous pharmaceutical processing, at least for drug products, requires a rare combination of technical skills which cannot be obtained by merely throwing pharmacists or chemists together with engineers
  • The Top 3 challenges of continuous manufacturing people, Not Invented Here (NIH) syndrome and understand what technology lies at the heart of continuous processing
  • It is really cost saving but it means “CHANGE” and that is the main problem because the majority of manufacturers don’t have a clue about the technology necessary, they hardly understand the current technology
  • The FDA has no problems with continuous manufacturing and says the definition of batch is up to the manufacturer as long as it follows the cGMPs.

quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011

Falo de Ti às Pedras das Estradas


Falo de ti às pedras das estradas, 
E ao sol que e louro como o teu olhar, 
Falo ao rio, que desdobra a faiscar, 
Vestidos de princesas e de fadas; 

Falo às gaivotas de asas desdobradas, 
Lembrando lenços brancos a acenar, 
E aos mastros que apunhalam o luar 
Na solidão das noites consteladas; 

Digo os anseios, os sonhos, os desejos 
Donde a tua alma, tonta de vitória, 
Levanta ao céu a torre dos meus beijos! 

E os meus gritos de amor, cruzando o espaço, 
Sobre os brocados fúlgidos da glória, 
São astros que me tombam do regaço! 

Florbela Espanca, in "A Mensageira das Violetas"

Ignorance has its limits!




Ignorance has its limits! Portugal is the oldest Kingdom in Europe! YET‼ Did Portuguese people know Portugal was a very “poor” country until the inclusion in EU? 14 Centuries of history, the Discoveries, nothing existed? Does any Portuguese person know that children in Portugal are taught to never look adults in the eye because, it is disrespectful? I am Portuguese and was unaware of all these amazing things!





domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011




You do not do, you do not do

Any more, black shoe

In which I have lived like a foot

For thirty years, poor and white,

Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.


Daddy, I have had to kill you.

You died before I had time---

Marble-heavy, a bag full of God,

Ghastly statue with one grey toe

Big as a Frisco seal


And a head in the freakish Atlantic

Where it pours bean green over blue

In the waters off beautiful Nauset.

I used to pray to recover you.

Ach, du.


In the German tongue, in the Polish town

Scraped flat by the roller

Of wars, wars, wars.

But the name of the town is common.

My Polack friend


Says there are a dozen or two.

So I never could tell where you

Put your foot, your root,

I never could talk to you.

The tongue stuck in my jaw.


It stuck in a barb wire snare.

Ich, ich, ich, ich,

I could hardly speak.

I thought every German was you.

And the language obscene


An engine, an engine

Chuffing me off like a Jew.

A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen.

I began to talk like a Jew.

I think I may well be a Jew.


The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of Vienna

Are not very pure or true.

With my gypsy ancestress and my weird luck

And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack

I may be a bit of a Jew.


I have always been scared of *you*,

With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo.

And your neat mustache

And your Aryan eye, bright blue.

Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You---


Not God but a swastika

So black no sky could squeak through.

Every woman adores a Fascist,

The boot in the face, the brute

Brute heart of a brute like you.


You stand at the blackboard, daddy,

In the picture I have of you,

A cleft in your chin instead of your foot

But no less a devil for that, no not

Any less the black man who


Bit my pretty red heart in two.

I was ten when they buried you.

At twenty I tried to die

And get back, back, back to you.

I thought even the bones would do.


But they pulled me out of the sack,

And they stuck me together with glue.

And then I knew what to do.

I made a model of you,

A man in black with a Meinkampf look


And a love of the rack and the screw.

And I said I do, I do.

So daddy, I'm finally through.

The black telephone's off at the root,

The voices just can't worm through.


If I've killed one man, I've killed two---

The vampire who said he was you

and drank my blood for a year,

Seven years, if you want to know.

Daddy, you can lie back now.


There's a stake in your fat, black heart

And the villagers never liked you.

They are dancing and stamping on you.

They always *knew* it was you.

Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through.


Sylvia Plath








Perfection is terrible, it cannot have children.

Cold as snow breath, it tamps the womb


Where the yew trees blow like hydras,

The tree of life and the tree of life


Unloosing their moons, month after month, to no purpose.

The blood flood is the flood of love,


The absolute sacrifice.

It means: no more idols but me,


Me and you.

So, in their sulfur loveliness, in their smiles


These mannequins lean tonight

In Munich, morgue between Paris and Rome,


Naked and bald in their furs,

Orange lollies on silver sticks,


Intolerable, without mind.

The snow drops its pieces of darkness,


Nobody's about. In the hotels

Hands will be opening doors and setting


Down shoes for a polish of carbon

Into which broad toes will go tomorrow.


O the domesticity of these windows,

The baby lace, the green-leaved confectionery,


The thick Germans slumbering in their bottomless Stolz.

And the black phones on hooks



Glittering and digesting


Voicelessness. The snow has no voice.


Sylvia Plath









I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.

Whatever I see I swallow immediately

Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.

I am not cruel, just truthful -

The eye of a little god, four cournered.

Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.

It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long

I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers.

Faces and darkness separate us over and over.


Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,

Searching my reaches for what she really is.

Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.

I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.

She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands

I am important to her. She comes and goes.

Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.

In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman

Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.



Sylvia Plath



As sem razões do amor





As sem razões do amor

Eu te amo porque te amo.
Não precisas ser amante,
e nem sempre sabes sê-lo.
Eu te amo porque te amo.
Amor é estado de graça
e com amor não se paga.

Amor é dado de graça,
é semeado no vento,
na cachoeira, no elipse.
Amor foge a dicionários
e a regulamentos vários.

Eu te amo porque não amo
bastante ou demais a mim.
Porque amor não se troca,
não se conjuga nem se ama.
Porque amor é amor a nada,
feliz e forte em si mesmo.

Amor é primo da morte,
e da morte vencedor,
por mais que o matem (e matam)
a cada instante de amor.


Carlos Drummond de Andrade


A Carta Que Não Foi Mandada


A Carta Que Não Foi Mandada



Paris, outono de 73
Estou no nosso bar mais uma vez
E escrevo pra dizer
Que é a mesma taça e a mesma luz
Brilhando no champanhe em vários tons azuis
No espelho em frente eu sou mais um freguês
Um homem que já foi feliz, talvez
E vejo que em seu rosto correm lágrimas de dor
Saudades, certamente, de algum grande amor

Mas ao vê-lo assim tão triste e só
Sou eu que estou chorando
Lágrimas iguais
É, a vida é assim, o tempo passa
E fica relembrando
Canções do amor demais
Sim, será mais um, mais um qualquer
Que vem de vez em quando
E olha para trás
É, existe sempre uma mulher
Pra se ficar pensando
Nem sei, nem lembro mais


Vinicius de Moraes

As amoras


As Amoras


O meu país sabe as amoras bravas

no verão.     

Ninguém ignora que não é grande,

nem inteligente, nem elegante o meu país,

mas tem esta voz doce

de quem acorda cedo para cantar nas silvas.

Raramente falei do meu país, talvez

nem goste dele, mas quando um amigo

me traz amoras bravas

os seus muros parecem-me brancos,

reparo que também no meu país o céu é azul.


                   Eugénio de Andrade ("O Outro Nome da Terra")

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011













Tantas formas revestes, e nenhuma 
Me satisfaz! 
Vens às vezes no amor, e quase te acredito. 
Mas todo o amor é um grito 
Que apenas ouve o eco... 
Por absurdo humano: 
Quero não sei que cálice profano 
Cheio de um vinho herético e sagrado.    

Miguel Torga, in 'Penas do Purgatório'





quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Rosalia de Castro, Adiós rios y fuentes


Adiós, ríos; adios, fontes;
adios, regatos pequenos;
adios, vista dos meus ollos:
non sei cando nos veremos.

Miña terra, miña terra,
terra donde me eu criei,
hortiña que quero tanto,
figueiriñas que prantei,
prados, ríos, arboredas,
pinares que move o vento,
paxariños piadores,
casiña do meu contento,
muíño dos castañares,
noites craras de luar,
campaniñas trimbadoras,
da igrexiña do lugar,
amoriñas das silveiras
que eu lle daba ó meu amor,
camiñiños antre o millo,
¡adios, para sempre adios!

¡Adios groria! ¡Adios contento!
¡Deixo a casa onde nacín,
deixo a aldea que conozo
por un mundo que non vin!
Deixo amigos por estraños,
deixo a veiga polo mar,
deixo, en fin, canto ben quero...
¡Quen pudera non deixar!...

Mais son probe e, ¡mal pecado!,
a miña terra n'é miña,
que hastra lle dan de prestado
a beira por que camiña
ó que naceu desdichado.

Téñovos, pois, que deixar,
hortiña que tanto amei,
fogueiriña do meu lar,
arboriños que prantei,
fontiña do cabañar.

Adios, adios, que me vou,
herbiñas do camposanto,
donde meu pai se enterrou,
herbiñas que biquei tanto,
terriña que nos criou.

Adios Virxe da Asunción,
branca como un serafín;
lévovos no corazón:
Pedídelle a Dios por min,
miña Virxe da Asunción.

Xa se oien lonxe, moi lonxe,
as campanas do Pomar;
para min, ¡ai!, coitadiño,
nunca máis han de tocar.
Xa se oien lonxe, máis lonxe
Cada balada é un dolor;
voume soio, sin arrimo...

¡Miña terra, ¡adios!, ¡adios!
¡Adios tamén, queridiña!...
¡Adios por sempre quizais!...
Dígoche este adios chorando
desde a beiriña do mar.

Non me olvides, queridiña,
si morro de soidás...
tantas légoas mar adentro...
¡Miña casiña!,¡meu lar!


Rosalía de Castro



Adios Muchachos

Cuesta abajo


Por una cabeza



Good bye


Já gastámos as palavras pela rua, meu amor,
e o que nos ficou não chega
para afastar o frio de quatro paredes.
Gastámos tudo menos o silêncio.
Gastámos os olhos com o sal das lágrimas,
gastámos as mãos à força de as apertarmos,
gastámos o relógio e as pedras das esquinas
em esperas inúteis.

Meto as mãos nas algibeiras e não encontro nada.
Antigamente tínhamos tanto para dar um ao outro;
era como se todas as coisas fossem minhas:
quanto mais te dava mais tinha para te dar.
Às vezes tu dizias: os teus olhos são peixes verdes.
E eu acreditava.
porque ao teu lado
todas as coisas eram possíveis.

Mas isso era no tempo dos segredos,
era no tempo em que o teu corpo era um aquário,
era no tempo em que os meus olhos
eram realmente peixes verdes.
Hoje são apenas os meus olhos.
É pouco mas é verdade,
uns olhos como todos os outros.

Já gastámos as palavras.
Quando agora digo: meu amor,
já não se passa absolutamente nada.
E no entanto, antes das palavras gastas,
tenho a certeza
de que todas as coisas estremeciam
só de murmurar o teu nome
no silêncio do meu coração.

Não temos já nada para dar.
Dentro de ti
não há nada que me peça água.
O passado é inútil como um trapo.
E já te disse: as palavras estão gastas.


Eugénio de Andrade 

La riva bianca, la riva nera

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011



Tentei sentir-te

Em vão…

Perderas-te no horizonte
Sem saber onde estavas
Sem saber que já não voltavas

Nunca soubeste mentir...

E foi assim que o som dos teus passos
Caminhando ao infinito
Como sino cego e mudo

Ressoaram em mim.

CLF, 2007