sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011
sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2011
Internet Explorer: Microsoft plans 'silent' updates
16 December 2011 Last updated at 11:27 GMT
Internet Explorer: Microsoft plans 'silent' updates
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From January, Internet Explorer (IE) users will be automatically updated to the latest version of the browser.
Microsoft said it was starting the project to update millions of machines to improve security online.
Future updates to the browser would be applied without a user's knowledge to help beat scammers catching people out with fake updates.
Those who did not want their browser updated could opt out or uninstall the software, said Microsoft.
"The Web overall is better - and safer - when more people run the most up-to-date browser," wrote Ryan Gavin, Microsoft's IE boss, in a blogpost explaining the plan.
He said the data gathered by Microsoft for its security intelligence reports showed that many cyber criminals targeted old or outdated software when they tried to trick people into installing fake updates.
To beat such scams, Mr Gavin, said that once the latest version of the browser was installed all future updates would arrive silently and be applied without a user getting involved.
Chester Wisniewski, senior security advisor at Sophos, said the plan would aid those who did not see the importance of staying up to date.
"Microsoft has been struggling with browser stragglers for years," he said in a statement.
Demise of IE6The giant upgrade programme will affect IE users running Windows XP, Vista and 7, and will first be rolled out in Australia and Brazil. Only those Windows users with automatic updates turned on will be enrolled in the programme.
Those using Windows XP will be upgraded to IE8, while those on Vista and 7 get bumped up to IE9. This will probably mean the demise of IE6, a 10-year-old version of the browser that Microsoft has been trying to kill off for a while.
Figures gathered by Microsoft suggest IE6 is used by about 8.3% of people around the world, with the biggest number of users in China, where almost 28% of people remain wedded to it.
Globally, Internet Explorer is still the most popular browser, with more than 52% of people using it, according to net market research firm Net Applications. Mozilla's Firefox and Google's Chrome are battling it out for second place.
Microsoft said it had made tools that would let people avoid or uninstall the more up-to-date versions of the browsers if they wanted to stay with an older copy.
"Hope" is the thing with feathers”
terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011
García Lorca
No te conoce el toro ni la higuera,
ni caballos ni hormigas de tu casa.
No te conoce tu recuerdo mudo
porque te has muerto para siempre. No te conoce el lomo de la piedra,
ni el raso negro donde te destrozas.
No te conoce tu recuerdo mudo
porque te has muerto para siempre. El otoño vendrá con caracolas,
uva de niebla y montes agrupados,
pero nadie querrá mirar tus ojos
porque te has muerto para siempre. Porque te has muerto para siempre,
como todos los muertos de la Tierra,
como todos los muertos que se olvidan
en un montón de perros apagados. No te conoce nadie. No. Pero yo te canto.
Yo canto para luego tu perfil y tu gracia.
La madurez insigne de tu conocimiento.
Tu apetencia de muerte y el gusto de su boca. La tristeza que tuvo tu valiente alegría.
Tardará mucho tiempo en nacer, si es que nace,
un andaluz tan claro, tan rico de aventura.
Yo canto su elegancia con palabras que gimen
y recuerdo una brisa triste por los olivos.
García Lorca
segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011
Qué hermosas son las manos
Del humilde labrador;
Que se sumen en la tierra,
Que trabajan sol a sol.
Qué bonitas son las manos
De una novia en el altar;
y qué tristes son las manos
Que van en un funeral.
Diga usted, si hay más ternura
Que se pueda imaginar
Que en las manos pequeñitas
De los niños al rezar.
Todo aquel que tenga madre
No podrá jamás negar
Que las manos de una madre
No se pueden comparar.
Y aquel que no la tenga...
Que perdone mi canción,
Pues quiero hablar de manos santas,
Las de madres ¡esas son!
Pero hay manos que son garras,
Cegadas por la ambición,
Que ordenan ¡a la guerra!
y siembran desolación.
Pero hay dos manos que el hombre
Hace tiempo ya olvidó,
Manos que fueron golpeadas,
Humilladas por el odio y el rencor;
Manos que hicieron milagros,
Manos que dieron amor,
Miren bien... quiero que vean...
¡Pues son las manos de Dios!
sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011
Merry Christmas - politically correct?
I know almost all cultures, races, creeds, beliefs on this world; I have friends in all of them. I say Merry Christmas and invite them to share my festivity as I share my different creeds friend’s festivities. If we cannot rejoice together, what on earth can we do?
Have you ever heard about Christmas Truce, in World War One?
Christmas Eve of 1914 - To raise the spirits of German soldiers, the government decided to send them thousands of Christmas trees and they placed them in front of their trenches, lit by candle or lantern like beacons of good will. They started singing “Stille nacht, heilige nacht“. British soldiers applauded and started singing, and they exchanged carols all night long. Soon there was No Man’s Land and over a hundred soldiers and officers of each side shook hands with men they had been trying to kill just hours earlier.
They exchanged pictures, cigarettes, tea, coffee, corned beef, sausages, badges, and buttons from uniforms.
No one is sure who started this truce and impromptu meetings but they certainly took place in many areas on the Western Front
Captain R J Armes of the 1st North Staffordshire Regiment arranged, with a German officer, for a cease fire in his sector that was to last until midnight on Christmas Day. They collected, side by side, their dead from No-Man’s Land and in one burial service, German and British dead were buried alongside each other near Lille.
Does it make sense to be “politically correct” about Christmas? Society lost sense of history, memory, and ethical responsibility. We lose capacity of identification through which ourselves and others can begin to understand the complexity and significance of the diverse conditions that have shaped our individual and collective histories.
Agree? "An ordinary middle-class consumer is far more of a job creator..."
I never believed in that myth, but it sure is handy, particularly when you are one of those rich “job creators”. I got tired of this never-ending crisis, of too much greed, too much stupid competition, when collaboration is obviously the best answer in these troubled economic times. We are going into deep recession (Portugal), however there are people making fortunes out of cents every single day, the “job creators”, with tax paradises. Nothing changed. Money or the rich job creators have the exact same behavior that brought us all to this never-ending hell. How can people not see? I joined forces with some people; we rolled back our sleeves and decided to collaborate. We wrote our code of ethics. We are going to work in collaboration, give before take. We all do the same; we all get work and business because we work with that mental frame. There was a time when Portugal had “progressive expenditure taxes”. These taxes have a similar progressive rate scale to the personal income tax, but the difference is that taxpayers receive a full deduction for any new investments they make, and the interest payments are tax-free until they are withdrawn for spending. The most detrimental economic effects of the tax system arise from the failure to tax different kinds of income consistently. Taxes have moderate influence on overall levels of investment/earnings, but they have a large effect on investment choice. Taxing different kinds of income more consistently improves equality and economic efficiency. High-income earners are not able to use loopholes in the system to reduce tax, which, in turn, would have less impact in investment decisions.
Alan J. Auerbach (University of California, Berkeley) states, "annual income is not an especially accurate measure of one's ability to pay. A household's consumption tends to fluctuate less from year to year than its income does, and in some respects offers a better measure of a family's sustainable standard of living. Tax reform proposals that transition from an income tax to a consumption tax would be more equitable because consumption requires a balance between known and complex social costs.”
Australia - “Progressive tax reform: Reform of the personal income tax system” (ACOSS Paper 158 | November 2009) states: There are four good reasons to reform the tax system:
1) To raise the public revenue needed to fund the services and income support needed by Australians as the population ages
2) To raise revenue more fairly than we do now, based on people’s ability to pay tax, not their ability to game the system
3) To make tax less of a factor in investment and workforce participation decisions
4) To create a system that people can understand and comply with
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