segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Do You believe in Objectivity?


Objectivity seldom is acknowledged without a highlighted slant to tell the stories that dare to address certain realities without fear of exposing the flaws. I am a lawyer; sometimes we make facts look objective, when they lack objectiveness.

 Did you read the interview of Geraldine Doogue with John Le Carré, about “The Constant Gardner”? Very interesting what he says about “the victims of torture, the dignity that people acquire after pain, some kind of human strength, when they are no longer spectators of life, but part of the suffering world, after enduring pain.”

 Theoretically, it is possible for an individual to make very specific judgements based only on  self developed and tested theories. However, this disregards the complexity of our social relationships as human beings. 




From early infancy, bonds of power and influence surround us; without our own terms’ support to fall back on, we will almost inevitably make judgements, meagre rationalisations of specific conventions. We cannot avoid self-deceptions involved in power-relationships in which we believe. It is for that reason, that we freely accept being manipulated by someone else’s authority.

  I endured pain to get free from





“guilt”, arising out of the dogmatic conventions of groups, or families. I chose to think with my own free will and chose not to rely on others for ethical guida



A white lie is not supposed to hurt someone, it is supposed to protect him or her. Nevertheless, lies are about protecting you from the antipathy, disappointment and even the anger of others.  Your lie takes away someone else's choice - the right to make an informed decision, the right to make own choices.




  We develop “chained” kinships, we never even perceive! Our parents never even grasped it; I broke that chain – people hurt people – then people need to hurt other people. An “ad infinitum” chain of events setting of threaded distresses and bringing misery and sorrow on the planet. Personally, I paid above what is usual, to keep away from that chain, on a franchise basis.

 I am naive, but I have my threshold; I know crime and I know that we cannot simplify our “environment” – everything is connected in far more complicated ways than the web itself. The Pharmaceutical Industry is the most powerful “finance” on Earth; faceless, with fewer players, result of a patchwork of piling “realities” at any rate, notwithstanding the global costs. 


It will go on, benchmarking profits, regardless of any “Make Poverty History”, or “Oxfam International”, which, by the way, it may very well sponsor.

“Pigs will fly” before we see the end of wars, before any profit-oriented organization will allocate scientific research for “orphan” diseases that affect “just a few” thousands of people

Did you watch “The Silence of Lorna” (The Dardennes brothers, 2008)? , "I can have a better life, but in order to have this better life I have to participate in a murder of someone. How do people deal with such a situation, facing another human being, do they realize too late? That is what happened to Lorna; she had no courage - that is the silence; because of that, she was left with a feeling of guilt. Just silent, lonely suffering.” 



Life is like “Ishtar” (Elaine May, 1987, US) – (a big flop in the country of origin, but a success in Europe); I love it!  Perhaps the most subversive thing about” Ishtar” is the fact we love the “heroes”, in spite of  their failure ,mediocrity ,and the havoc created by their “Reaganite” ignorance in the third world, with politics and show biz turned into mindless equivalents.

 Objectivity is a method of acquiring knowledge by reasoning solely based on the facts of reality and in accordance with the laws of logic. What are the facts of reality? Those which validity we established, by matching them with referents in reality "(Ayn Rand).




Hélas! How many realities are there? 






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